MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) atau Barisan Pembebasan Kebangsaan Moro mahu membantu Kesultanan Sulu dalam usaha mereka untuk menuntut Sabah.
MNLF nak bantu dari segi apa tu?

Kat bawah tu adalah keratan akhbar temuramah antara akhbar Filipina, Daily Tribune dengan pemimpin kanan MNLF, Rexie Burgaring.
MNLF ini diketuai oleh Nur Misuari (gambar dibawah)

Ok tuan-tuan dan puan-puan bacalah:
(The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) vowed yesterday to help the Sultanate of Sulu pursue its historical and legal claim on the disputed territory of Sabah (North Borneo) which was included in the Federation of Malaysia when it was formed in 1963.
“MNLF will stick to its original political objective which is the recovery of Sabah” Lawyer Rexie Bugaring, MNLF senior legal adviser, told the Daily Tribune.
Bugaring pointed out that when MNLF founding chairman Nur Misuari declared the Independence of the Bangsa Moro Republik (BMR) it included Mindanao, Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia.)
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