Defence Security Asia
Informasi Pertahanan Anda

Ultra-Long-Range Air Defense System with 2,000km “Kill Zone” Targets American Bomber, Spy Aircraft

As reported recently, Beijing appears to be targeting American bomber aircraft such as the B-1 "Lancer," B-2 "Spirit," and B-52 "Stratofortress," which are currently "roaming" near its coastal areas through its newly-developed ultra-long-range air defense system.


(DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) — Chinese scientists have reportedly developed an ultra long-range air defense system capable of shooting down bombers and early warning aircraft (AEWC) from a distance of 2,000km.

The guided projectiles for China’s ultra-long-range air defense system are reported to utilize hypersonic technology, with solid-fuel propulsion.

As recently reported by the South China Morning Post, Beijing appears to be targeting American bombers such as the B-1 “Lancer”, B-2 “Spirit”, and B-52 “Stratofortress”, which are currently “roaming” near its coastal areas, through the newly-developed ultra long-range air defense system.

China’s ultra long-range air defense system, with a 2,000km “kill zone,” also targets American and allied reconnaissance aircraft that frequently approach its borders to gather intelligence.

 If claims regarding the capabilities of this ultra long-range air defense system are accurate, its “kill zone” is three times farther than the farthest-reaching air defense system currently in existence, namely Russia’s S-500.

Peluru Hypersonik
The hypersonic guided projectile “Feitian-1” believed to be the backbone of China’s ultra-long-range air defense system.


Russia’s S-500 long-range air defense system has a “kill zone” of 500km.

 Presently, China only designates its latest capability as an ultra-long-range air defense system, yet, if its existence is confirmed, it would significantly enhance Beijing’s ability to threaten provocative flights of American and allied bombers and reconnaissance aircraft in waters close to its borders.

Currently, China’s farthest-reaching air defense system is the HQ-9, with a kill zone of over 100km.

 According to the  newspaper, the team of scientists designing and developing the ultra-long-range defense system is led by an individual known as “Su Hua” from the Northwestern Polytechnical University.

It also disclosed that the Chinese military will issue warnings to the targeted aircraft beforehand, indicating the potential of being shot down using the ultra-long-range air defense system if they fail to retreat or turn back.

“Enemy aircraft will be shot down (by the ultra-long-range air defense system) if they refuse to retreat or turn back.”

B-52 “Stratofortress”
B-2 Spirit


The newspaper states that China’s ultra-long-range air defense system is vital for maintaining regional and international stability.

The hypersonic guided projectiles, which form the backbone of China’s ultra-long-range air defense system, are said to be only 8 meters in length and weigh 2.5 tons, in addition to using ramjet engines and solid-fuel propulsion.

Observers suggest that the ultra-long-range air defense system likely employs the hypersonic guided projectile “Feitian-1,” successfully tested by the relevant university two years ago.

The hypersonic projectiles for the ultra-long-range air defense system are guided in real-time by monitoring satellites, before utilizing their sensor systems in the final moments before engaging their targets. — DSA


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