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Turkish’s FNSS, DEFTECH Exhibits Prototype of Malaysian Army’s ADNAN AIFV Modernised

According to a statement issued by FNSS, as part of efforts to modernize the ADNAN ACV vehicles in the inventory of the Malaysian Army,  an ADNAN ACV-15 IFV25mm vehicle, delivered by the Malaysian Army was modernized as a prototype by DEFTECH and FNSS.


(DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) — As part of efforts to extend the lifecycle of the Malaysian Army ACV-15’s, a prototype of ADNAN AIFV modernised by DEFTECH and FNSS will be exhibited in the DEFTECH stand during Defence Services Asia 2024 (DSA 2024) exhibition which begins in Kuala Lumpur today.

According to a statement issued by FNSS, as part of efforts to modernize the ADNAN ACV vehicles in the inventory of the Malaysian Army,  an ADNAN ACV-15 IFV25mm vehicle, delivered by the Malaysian Army was modernized as a prototype by DEFTECH and FNSS.

Following the modernization, the vehicle underwent a two-weeks testing period by the Malaysian Army test team, successfully completing all user tests.

The main objective of the modernization project is to improve the mobility and automotive functions, communication and combat management systems, firepower functions of the vehicle at optimal costs.

Maintenance, repair, and renewal were undertaken on the engine and transmission systems during the modernization process.

(credit FNSS)


Depending on the user requirement, a new power pack option is also available within the modernization scope.

Additionally, all the listed subsystems were improved through the integration of new subsystems equipped with modern technology.

  • 25mm Turret and Fire Power
  • Battle Management Systems (BMS)
  • Fire Suppression Systems (FSS)
  • Laser Warning Systems (LWS)
  • Communication Systems
  • Climate Control Systems (A/C)
  • Electrical/Electronic Systems
  • Driver Vision Enhancement Systems (DVE)
  • 360° Situational Awareness System

As a result of all modernization and improvement efforts, the existing capabilities of the ADNAN ACV vehicle were maintained while new technology-equipped subsystems were added, providing both new capabilities and increased capacity for existing systems.

 In this context, the aim is to extend the vehicle’s service life by at least 20 years and to target shorter processing times for maintenance and repair services.

(credit FNSS)
(credit FNSS)


 FNSS’ capability enhancement & life extension solution represents significant upgrades to an already proven and reliable military platform by extending the service life of the vehicles and ensuring that the vehicles remain an effective and relevant asset as a force multiplier for modern combat requirements.

FNSS has a history of success stories about completing modernization programs for over 3000 vehicles in total, for different armies such as Türkiye, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, USA, Bahrain and The Philippines.

During DSA 2024 which began today and will end on May 9th, FNSS will exhibit the PARS III 6×6 vehicle equipped with the TEBER-II 30/40 Remote Controlled Turret (RCT), alongside the SANCAK 30mm Remote Controlled Turret. — DSA

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