Defence Security Asia
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Malaysia, Australia Elite Commandos Join Forces for Exercise Dusk Tiger 2023

Exercise Dusk Tiger Series 14/2023 between the 11th Special Forces Regiment (11 RGK) and the Australian Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) is aimed at enhancing interoperability between the special forces of both countries in conducting Special Operations to address current threats.


(DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) — Members of the commandos from the 11th Special Forces Regiment (11 RGK) and the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) of the Australian Army recently concluded Exercise Dusk Tiger Series 14/2023 in Australia.

The exercise between the two special forces units aimed to enhance their interoperability in facing special operations.

“This exercise is a bilateral exercise between the 11th Special Forces Regiment (11 RGK) and the Australian Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) and is focused on improving interoperability between the special forces of both countries in carrying out Special Operations to address current threats,” according to a posting in the Berita Tentera Darat Malaysia Facebook account.

The closing ceremony of Exercise Dusk Tiger Series 14/2023 at Campbell Barrack, Australia on October 6th was presided over by the Commander of the 21st Special Service Group (GGK), Major General Adi Ridzwan Abdullah, and the Special Operations Commander of Australia, Major General Paul Kenny.

Before the exercise took place, a Pre-Exercise Dusk Tiger (Pra-Eks DUSK TIGER) was conducted around Cameron Highland. It involved elements of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) from Bravo Company, 165th Military Intelligence Battalion (165 MIB), and EC725 aircraft from the 10th Squadron of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).

Dusk Tiger
Dusk Tiger
Dusk Tiger
Dusk Tiger


Simultaneously, a Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Program was held with the local community in Cameron Highland, including Medical Civic Action Programs (MEDCAPS), Static Displays, Parachute Jump Demonstrations, and other activities in collaboration with the local population.

The CIMIC program also involved cooperation with the Cameron Highland District Council, 165 MIB, the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), the Civil Defense Department (JPAM), District Health Office, District Education Office, and several other public agencies and NGOs.

Also in attendance was the Commanding Officer of the 11th Special Forces Regiment, Colonel Ahmad Huzaini Zainudin. — DSA



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