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(VIDEO) Israel’s Elite Golani Brigade Withdrawn After Severe Setback in Gaza

(VIDEO) In a well-coordinated ambush by Palestinian militants in an area known as "Kasbah" in Shujaiya earlier this month, 10 members of the Israeli Defense Forces' Golani Brigade lost their lives, including their commanding officer, Colonel Itzhak Ben Basat, 44, and the commander of the brigade's 13th battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Tomer Grinberg, 35.


(DEFENCE SECURITY ASIA) — In a significant restructuring move following a severe setback against Palestinian fighters, Israel’s elite military unit, the Golani Brigade, has been withdrawn from the battle zones in the Gaza Strip after 60 days of deployment.

According to Israel’s Channel 13 television station, the Golani Brigade handed over operations in several hotspots in Gaza City to other units before its withdrawal.

Media outlets and social media platforms in Israel have broadcast footage of the Golani Brigade’s withdrawal, showcasing its members in a jubilant state, singing together.

The Israeli military stated that the Golani Brigade was withdrawn from Gaza after successfully gaining control of the Shujaiya area, characterized as a stronghold of Hamas.

However, analysts argue that the Israeli military’s announcement of their control over Shujaiya is aimed at mitigating surprise over the news of the elite unit’s defeat, forcing an earlier withdrawal than anticipated.

In a well-coordinated ambush by Palestinian fighters in the area known as “Kasbah” in Shujaiya middle of this month, 10 members of the Golani Brigade, including its commander Colonel Itzhak Ben Basat, 44, and the commander of the brigade’s 13th battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Tomer Grinberg, 35, were killed.

The Israeli military claims that Ben Basat is the highest-ranking Israeli military officer killed in the current conflict.

Previously, he served as the leader of the Yiftah Brigade, a reserve commando unit.

Since October 7, the Israeli military has lost eight officers with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and five officers with the rank of Colonel.

A few days before his death, Grinberg was recorded inspiring his troops and promising “victory” in Gaza for the people of Israel. The Golani Brigade is an elite unit often deployed to Gaza to confront Palestinian fighters.

“Commander of the 13th Battalion of the Golani Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Tomer Grinberg, was recorded offering congratulations to one of his unit members, a day before he was killed in a well-coordinated ambush by Palestinian fighters in Shujaiya, Gaza.”


During the 2014 conflict in Gaza, seven members of the Golani Brigade were also killed in Shujaiya after their armored vehicle was targeted by Palestinian fighters.

Meanwhile, former senior Israeli military officer, General Moshe Kaplinsky, reported that the Golani Brigade has lost 88 personnel since the outbreak of the conflict in Palestine on October 7.

According to him, 72 members of the Golani Brigade were killed on the first day of the conflict or the quarter of the brigade’s total strength. — DSA


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