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Russia’s Combination of S-400 “Triumf”,AWACS A-50 leaves Ukraine,…
The use of new air warfare tactics by the Russian military, involving the integration of the S-400 "Triumf" air defense system with the A-50 airborne warning and control system (AWACS), has…
US Plays Catch-Up: $5.1 Billion Investment in Special Submarine Amidst Russian…
The United States is reportedly planning to spend around US$5.1 billion (RM20.4 billion) to develop a special-purpose submarine designed for engagement in seabed warfare.
Ukraine on Edge as Russia Unveils “Mysterious” KH-50 Guided Missile
The military personnel of Ukraine are said to be very concerned about the latest intelligence reports stating that Russia is "getting closer" to deploying its mysterious missile, the KH-50,…
Nine Years Without Buyers, Saab Hopes Three Countries Will Choose Gripen.
Disappointed that there have been no buyers for nine years, Saab, the company that produces the JAS-39 Gripen fighter aircraft, is now hoping that India, Thailand, and the Philippines will…
“We Made F-22 Raptor Our Lunch” – German Typhoon Pilot
The United States has spent a total of US$64 billion (RM256 billion) to develop its stealthy air-dominance aircraft called the F-22 "Raptor," which conducted its maiden flight in 1997.
F-35’s Failure to Detect Russian S-300 Frequencies Sparks Major Concerns
When the Russian invasion of Ukraine began last February, the United States deployed its fifth-generation fighter jets, the F-35, to countries like Estonia, Lithuania, and Romania to patrol…
Is Saudi Arabia set to Acquire 12 Type 052DE Destroyers Made in China?
Defense analysts in the Middle East claim that Saudi Arabia is negotiating with China to acquire up to 12 Type 052DE destroyer warships (an export variant of the Type 052D destroyer).
Spain Auctions Its Submarine “Mistral,” for only US$150,000 (RM675,000)
After serving for 35 years with the Spanish Navy, the Agosta-class submarine named "Mistral" owned by the country's navy has been put up for auction by the disposal agency in Cartagena (a…
“Impressive Performance” of Iran’s Kamikaze Drones Draws Interest…
An Iranian general claims that the "impressive performance" exhibited by the country's kamikaze drones in the current Russia-Ukraine conflict has opened the eyes of Western countries,…
For 9 hours, US Submarine Unaware It Was ‘Escorted’ by Russian ASW…
A United States nuclear-powered submarine was reportedly unaware that it was being "escorted" by a Russian Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) aircraft in an incident that occurred in the far…