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Perbarisan “Status Usang” Untuk Kenderaan Condor, Sibmas

Pasukan 4 Kor Armor Diraja (KAD) telah melaksanakan demonstrasi kereta perisai 6×6 Sibmas Armoured Vehicle Recovery (AVR) di Garaj KJA dan perbarisan sempena status 𝘖𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦 kereta perisau 4×4 Condor dan kereta perisai 6×6 Sibmas AVR pada 1 Januari 2023 bertempat di Padang Kawad 4 KAD, Kem Penrissen.

‘Breakthrough’ Japan Strategy Eyes China Threat, Drives Huge Defense Changes

Faced with an increasingly militant and militarily capable China, Japan has made the decision to effectively double its defense spending, deploy an aircraft carrier for the first time since World War II, buy hundreds of long-range cruise missiles and field other weapons that seem to mark a fundamental transition from a strictly defensive military to one that can effectively deter and defeat threats.